Monday, 24 September 2007

Gluten free bread recipe

1lb Gluten free bread mix(plain or high-fibre)
1 sachet of fast action yeast
1 egg (optional)
2tbsp vegetable oil
12fl oz warm water
1 tsp sea salt (optional)
Put bread mix into a large bowl
Dissolve yeast in warm water (not hot)
Add the salt, oil, egg, yeast and water to bread mix
Mix ingredients into a smooth batter
Divide the mixture between 2 well-greased loaf tins (15x25x7.5cm)
Cover with oiled cling film and leave to rise for 30-40 mins. (The surface of the batter should begin forming small bubbles when ready).
Bake for 30-40mins (190°C, Gas mark 5) – Loaves should be well risen and firm to the touch.
Allow to cool before turning out onto cooling tray.

1 comment:

robwebblog said...

Thanks for the recipe Jackie, it is just the wife is looking for.
